Writing Algorithm and a Flowchart - Java Programming

It deals with the Algorithm and a Flowchart, on how to create a Flowchart base on your Algorithm. A Flowchart is the second step in Java Programming which is the schematic diagram of your pogram. It using flowcharting symbol.

Here we go with the problem. The problem is, write an Algorithm and a Flowchart to input the amount of loan, interest rate and year. Compute and display the interest and total payable loan.


1. Start the program
2. Input A_loan, I_rate, year
3. computer Interest, T_payableloan
4. Print Interest, T_payableloan
5. End the program

What is the different between the Algorithm and a Flowchart? If you ask me, the only different is that the form. Algorithm is write in plain text while Flowchart written in text inside the symbol.

In a Flowchart, an oval stands for Terminal Symbol represents the beginning, the end, or a point of interruption or delay in a program. The Parallelogram stands for Input and Ouput Symbol which makes data available for processing (Input) or displaying (Output) of processed information. The arrow stands for the Flowline Symbol which represents the sequence of available information and executable operations, the arrowheads are mandatory only for right-to-left and bottom-to-top flow. The Rectangle stands for Process Symbol that represents the process of executing a defined operation or groups of operations that results in a change in value, form or location of information, also functions as the default symbol when no other symbol is available.
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